Geoscience Services
agreement Consulting Data Management Event Geographic Information System Geosciences Geoscience Service GEPCO GIS GIS Technology Govt of Sindh Karachi Karachi digitization land Land record management land record systems land tech LMK achievements LMKR LMKR achievements lmkr collaboration LMKR Software LRMIS Management information system MIS Pakistan GIS pakistan tech company Pakistan tech developments Pakistan technology Pakistan tech upgrade Property Property Digitized Property Taxes pulse pakistan pulse punjab punjab govt punjab land punjab technology Sindh Tax digitized Technology technology solutions tech pakistan UIPT Urban Immovable Property Tax Administration System
LMKR is offering vast seismic processing services. Supported by a resource pool with comprehensive experience in various geological settings and technology platforms, we provide 2D& 3D Seismic Data Acquisition, Processing/ Reprocessing and Field QC consulting services to E&P companies around the globe.
For 2D or 3D data acquired offshore or on land, our advanced imaging services include:
- Pre-stack Time Migration (PreSTM)
- Pre-stack Depth Migration (PreSDM)
- Reverse Time Migration (RTM)
- Velocity model building
- Real-time Model Morphing and Migration (RTM3)
- Tomography
- Waveform Inversion (FWI)
- AVO/Inversion