November 10, 2014
Addressing key challenges for the G&G Professional
The challenges for today’s G&G professional remain: Looking for new and faster methods of finding and exploiting hydrocarbons, while reducing cycle time and driving down production costs. Getting the most out of data across multiple domains; improved methods to interpret and integrate geological and seismic data critical to maximizing reservoir understanding; and, finding new, innovative ways of mapping and visualizing assets is critical to efficient hydrocarbon exploration and production. What was once considered high science technology for the “specialist” is now a daily requirement for use by all members of the asset team.
LMKR, with its partnership and products announcements, is able to address these key challenges better than ever before.
For 30 years, GeoGraphix has been delighting its users through its continual innovations. It was the first G&G software on Windows, the first to offer specific capabilities and workflows for unconventional plays and the first to offer seismic inclusive geosteering. By delivering all of these “firsts” GeoGraphix has achieved the enviable position of being the first choice of shale operators. LMKR released GeoGraphix 2014 in March, delivering key advancements in Field Planning, Geophysics, Geology and 3D visualization. We are building on these 4 themes today with our partnership and product announcements.
To enable the geoscientist to get the most out of data from multiple domains, LMKR has entered into a strategic partnership with petroWEB to provide ease of data access to and from the Corporate data store from GeoGraphix. petroWEB’s Enterprise DB is a powerful E&P data management system built on the industry standard PPDM data model. It serves as a corporate well master, well log repository and well file management system and provides a single authoritative solution required for effective management of large volumes of subsurface data. This partnership will deliver a seamless connection between GeoGraphix and ENTERPRISE DB to boost geoscientist daily productivity.
LMKR’s technology partnership with LUMINA is directly aimed at improved methods to interpret and integrate geological and seismic data critical to maximizing reservoir understanding. LUMINA offers unique methodologies and tools for quantitative interpretation based on spectral decomposition and state-of-the-art optimization techniques allowing for more geological information to be extracted from geophysical data. LMKR’s partnership with LUMINA has resulted in the planned release of Predict3D which will commercialize by early 2015 (see below for more details).
(Coming soon) Enhanced user experience and performance with GeoGraphix 2014.2
Seismic interpretation speed and capability has been radically improved, offering larger memory access and up-front well loading optimization. Improved integration with depth geomodels enable the G&G professional to easily depth convert faults and incorporate into a sealed earth model as well as combining seismic interpretation data and well picks into the geomodel. Enhancements to velocity modeling and depth conversion make it easier to depth convert seismic with velocity models generated from defined horizon-formation top relationships. The latest GeoGraphix update includes new fault triangulation and an improved 3D horizon autotracker algorithm.

LMKR’s New Volume Attributes
3D volume attribute generation tool, which integrates seamlessly with GeoGraphix 2014, includes both trace-based (sample, window, and Hilbert) and frequency-based attributes, including a full suite of semblance- and curvature-based attributes which are so critical to optimal understanding and visualization of reservoirs in today’s plays. All of the frequency-based attributes use a patented spectral decomposition technique for higher resolution results. Expression based attribute capabilities allow users to refine or create their own custom attributes as mathematical combinations of other attribute volumes.

LMKR’s Predict3D™
Is a multi-attribute inversion solution based on robust spectral decomposition and state-of-the-art optimization techniques developed by LUMINA. The Predict3D solution is completely integrated with the GeoGraphix suite of products, and can also be used in standalone mode. This proprietary approach shows geological details not observable in the conventional seismic data, and allows for more detailed and accurate interpretations than are possible with the input data and conventional inversion methods. The multi-attribute inversion process predicts rock properties from well logs away from and in between the wells that have been used for correlation, generating property volumes that are invaluable in understanding the character of the reservoir. This helps understand the nature of the reservoir away from the wells; reducing risk in well planning and field development, especially in thin-bed or shale plays. Output from Predict3D, combined with other seismic specific interpretations, will quickly and easily integrate into one 3D scene in the near future.

LMKR GeoGraphix 2014 delivers tighter integration between geological and geophysical interpretations. Depth converted seismic horizons and faults can be directly accessed by the geomodel and combined with well control to enable a more comprehensive and complete interpretation. In addition, the enhancements in velocity modeling deliver a much more accurate real time, depth converted seismic backdrop in the cross section to improve the interpretation of the geomodel between and beyond well control. New 3D visualization of fence diagrams with interpolated curve fill, IsoMap surfaces with draped attributes, and depth converted seismic sections further the interpreter’s understanding of the geology, reservoir anisotropy and structure. GeoGraphix market leading petrophysical capabilities include a larger User Defined Equation code window, multi-user concurrent access to external models, and unlimited attribute extraction. GeoGraphix 2014.2 adds a multi-method graphical curve normalization utility.

Field Planning
Advanced field planning allows engineers and geologists to quickly create field plans. Designed to reduce the time required for efficient field development, advanced field planning provides the ability to create, save, analyze, and manage multiple field plan scenarios, before committing them to the database. When combined with LMKR’s new Well Planner, directional surveys for individual wells or entire scenarios can be easily created and edited. These capabilities enable far more efficient field development workflows for entire asset teams.

LMKR GeoGraphix latest update (2014.2) adds: the ability to automatically clip well trajectories to lease setbacks and maintain minimum required lateral length for planned wells; calculate pad/slot elevations from a digital elevation model; and, easily update slot locations.

Mapping & Visualization
New capabilities allow G&G professionals to get the most from their data by quickly creating powerful and informative base maps, fence diagrams and seismic backdrops, enabling them to gain a much better understanding of their reservoirs. 2D Maps can be easily visualized in 3D, and 3D probes can now be defined in GeoAtlas, allowing instant visualization of the sub-surface. 3D visualization of geologic cross sections and fence diagrams with interpolated well log values, combined with surfaces draped with map layers, provide increased insight into the true nature of the sub-surface geology. GeoGraphix 2014.2 allows integration of log templates, fence diagrams, seismic and attributes into the integrated 3D view. This combination enables better sweet spot identification & characterization. LMKR is a petroleum technology company offering reservoir-centric interpretation, modeling and analytics software, mobile technology solutions and E&P data services – all focused towards lowering the risk associated with exploration and production of conventional and unconventional resource plays. LMKR holds the global license for development, sales & marketing and support for GeoGraphix.